Honey Marshmallows

Here’s a recipe for homemade marshmallows made with honey. Fun to make and eat!

Category: Recipes
Date: July 26, 2022

Did you know you can make marshmallows with honey?

This is one of our favourite summer treats to make. Not only do they taste amazing; they are fun to make, and work well to roast, add to hot chocolate or make into s’mores. Making your own marshmallows allows you to cut out the processed ingredients in store bought marshmallows and opt for a healthier, natural sweetener option. These are also really great to make with kids. There is something quite fun about watching honey turn into big, gloppy, fluffy marshmallows!


1/2 cup water
3 tbsp unflavoured gelatin
2 cups honey
1 tsp vanilla or peppermint
enough to coat corn starch, tapioca starch, or arrowroot starch


  1. In the large bowl of a stand mixer (or you could use a hand mixer), pour 1/2 cup of water. Sprinkle the gelatin over the water and let it sit until a gel like substance forms.
  2. While the water/gelatin mixture is sitting, pour the honey into a large pot on the stove. Heat the honey on low-medium heat until it begins to boil.
  3. Allow the honey to boil for approximately 10 min, stirring while it heats. It will bubble and froth up the side of the pot, so make sure you use a large pot.
  4. Turn your mixer onto low, and slowly pour the honey into the bowl with the water and gelatin, mixing to combine.
  5. Once all of the honey has been poured into the bowl, turn your mixer onto medium-high speed. Continue mixing for 8-10 minutes until the mixture has become white and fluffy. The marshmallow should hold it’s shape when you pull the beaters out.
  6. Grease an 8×12 baking dish with oil. I like to use coconut oil, but any neutral tasting oil will work.
  7. Pour the marshmallow mixture into your prepared baking dish and use a spatula to spread it evenly and smooth the top.
  8. Let the marshmallows sit for 12 hours or overnight to solidify in the baking dish.
  9. After 12 hours, cover the top of the marshmallows with a dusting of starch. Slide your hands under the marshmallows to loosen them from the dish. You should be able to lift the whole slab out of the dish. Transfer the marshmallow slab to a cutting board and place it starched side down. Sprinkle the bottom of the marshmallow with starch and rub to coat it and make it less sticky.
  10. Cut the marshmallow into long strips. Dip the strips into starch to keep them from sticking, and the cut into even marshmallow sized squares. Coat each sticky side of the marshmallows with starch.
  11. Use your marshmallows like any you would buy from the store. They can be stored in the freezer in an airtight freezer bag for 3-6 months.
  12. Slightly adapted from deliciouslyorganic.net