Let’s Talk Honey!

With all the different terms for honey out there, let us help you understand a few of them.

Category: All About Honey
Date: March 1, 2022

On your toast, in your tea, a sweetener in dessert, a facial moisturizer, or a way to soothe your sore throat – there are so many ways to enjoy honey. But, is all honey the same? Does it matter what type of honey you eat? Let’s look at some of the differences.

Pasteurized, Unpasteurized and Raw

Pasteurized honey is honey that has been treated with high heat to destroy sugar tolerant yeasts. This makes the honey smooth and allows the honey to stay in it’s liquid form longer before it begins to granulate. Unfortunately, due to the high heat applied to pasturized honey, the naturally occuring nutrients and vitamins in honey are destroyed. Pasteurized honey will therefore contain fewer antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and healthy enzymes than raw and unpasteurized honey.

Unpasteurized honey has been heated only slightly to bring honey into its liquid state without destroying its nutritional properties.

Raw honey is honey that hasn’t been heated and is only lightly filtered. It is honey in its purest form, straight from the hive. Since it hasn’t been heated, it contains all of its antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

What is Creamed Honey?

Creamed honey is made by whipping liquid honey to create a soft, thick and spreadable honey. Nothing is added or taken away during this process.

At Honey Fields, we offer unpasteurized liquid honey and raw creamed honey. We take pride in providing pure, high quality honey that retains it’s valuable nutrient profile.