We’re embarking on the beginning of a new summer season here on the farm and thought you might like to have a little glimpse into what our farming season looks like.

Early spring is an important time of the year for our bees. Coming out of winter, our focus is on checking our hives for health after they have come through the long winter. We start moving our bees out of our wintering barns in March and scatter them into yards throughout the Niagara region.
Pollination is an important part of our spring season as well. Our bees are moved into Orchards throughout the Simcoe and Niagara region to pollinate fruit trees. Shortly after this pollination season is finished, we transport our bees to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia where our bees pollinate large fields of wild blueberries.

As spring draws to a close, our bees arrive back in Ontario and are spread out in our summer bee yards. Our bee yards are located throughout Ontario where pollen and nectar sources are in abundance. Many of our bees remain in the Niagara region throughout the summer, while some travel to the Grey Bruce peninsula, the French River and the Barrie Area. Summer is our honey producing time. The bees take full advantage of the warm weather and long summer days to forage the fields and produce an abundance of honey.

Towards the end of the summer season and into fall, we begin pulling frames of honey from the hives and begin extracting it from the honey comb.

Once our honey is extracted from the beehives, it’s time to fill our jars and bottles with this delicious golden nectar for you to enjoy!

All of our honey is unpasteurized and of course nothing is added or taken away. It is pure, delicious, and all of it comes from the bees on our farm.